We rely on the respective teaching staff or faculty to submit suggested students for the Art Show Competition.
- We need an estimate of how many of your students will participate. We will follow up with you by email and phone to get student names for registration and certificates
- The Student Art Competition will be viewed and judged by qualified and professional artists from our community
- The Student Art Competition will be judged in two aged groups (K-5th Grade and 6th-12th Grade)
- Each student will receive a certificate of completion for their taking part in The Student Art Competition
- The Top 10 winners in each age group will receive Awards & Cash Prizes
- There is also a People's Choice Award and Prize voted by the public that attends
- We have some art panels, stand-alone easels, table stands and also wall space. Artists are welcome to provide their own supports as well. Display art setup begins Saturday at 10:00 am with removal at 3:15 pm.